Season 2 of NJ Samosa Lawsuit - Hot Entertainer
Just as we were at a loss for a good Indian entertainer in these hot summer days, comes a new twist in the latest episode of the Great Samosa Battle of New Jersey.
Think of it as Season 2 of the Great Samosa Lawsuit.
On one side of the Samosa legal battle, you have a bunch of vegetarians.
And on the other side, stands Moghul Express restaurant on Oak Tree Road, Edison (NJ) that we once reviewed negatively for serving crappy Indian food.
Yes, both parties in the Great Samosa Lawsuit are of Indian origin. ;)

Citing spiritual injuries over eating the meat samosas, the 16 Indian Hindu vegetarians had asked for compensation for emotional distress as well as to participate in a religious purification ceremony along the Ganga River in the Indian holy city of Haridwar in Uttaranchal state.
The Indian vegetarians' argument essentially ran as follows:
Hindu vegetarians believe that if they eat meat, they become involved in the sinful cycle of inflicting pain, injury and death of God's creatures, and that it affects the karma and dharma, or purity of the soul. Hindu scriptures teach that the souls of those who eat meat can never go to God after death, which is the ultimate goal for Hindus. The Hindu religion does not excuse accidental consumption of meat products. One who commits the religious violation of eating meat, knowingly or unknowingly, is required to participate in a religious ceremony at a site located along the Ganges River in Haridwar, Uttaranchal, India, to purify himself. The damages sought by plaintiffs included compensation for the emotional distress they suffered, as well as economic damages they would incur by virtue of having to participate in the required religious cleansing ceremony in India.Although Moghul Express acknowledged serving meat samosas to the party ordering vegetarian samosas, it won the first round.
Thank God, the Samosa case did not end there.
What would all of us desis in the Northeast starved for entertainment do.
Not for us, the effete Singham or Deiva Thirumagal.
Hey, we want something meatier oops juicier.

And the Good Lord heard our prayers for entertainment.
Now the Appellate Division of the Superior Court of New Jersey has ruled on July 18, 2011 that the case can proceed on one of the grounds - Breach of Express Warranties.
With the case back in court, Season 2 of the Great Samosa Battle of New Jersey promises entertaining times ahead.
Moghul Express in Edison, New Jersey must certainly be feeling the heat.